Unit Overview

Youth use the Engineering Design Process to design a bandage that covers and protects a model cut. Youth investigate sticky and absorbant materials and explore how the different parts of a bandage work together to create a successful design.

  • Grades K-2
  • Setting: Enrichment
  • 9 activities
  • 45–60 minutes per activity

Standards alignment

YES Enrichment units connect with state and national standards. View unit-specific Engineering Bandages Alignment or all Standards Alignments.

Unit Map

Youth engineer a school supply case and learn about the Engineering Design Process, a 5-phase problem-solving tool.
Youth are introduced to the problem and learn why bandages are the best technology to use for a cut.
Youth investigate which materials work well for the sticky sides and pad of a bandage.
Youth explore whether and how pre-planned bandage designs protect a cut when it is rubbed in soil. Then, youth imagine and plan a bandage.

Youth create and test their bandage designs and use what they learn to make improvements.

Youth decorate their bandage and test it to ensure the decoration does not impact its functioning.
Youth use what they know about bandage design to create, test, and improve a bandage that bends for a finger joint.
Youth survey peers about bandage use and make recommendations to a bandage company.

Youth present their bandages and share their processes with guests.

Our funders

Major support for this project has been provided by the National Science Foundation.

What’s Included?

  • Educator Guide (PDF)
  • Optional Educator Slides (Google Slides)
  • Youth Engineering Notebook (PDF)
  • Illustrated Story (Poster or PDF)
  • Print Materials (PDF)