The YES Approach
Developing educational materials is an intentional process. Three decades of research and development by the YES team inform our model for engineering learning.
Engineering Practices
YES units engage students in engineering practices—patterned behaviors that lead to the creation of engineering knowledge and products. Research conducted by the YES team has identified 16 common engineering practices that align with NGSS practices.
Engineering Design Process
Engineers use a structured, iterative process to solve problems. YES organizes students’ work with an age-appropriate, cyclical, engineering design process. Naming design phases helps students understand the goal of the activity.
Computer Science
Engineers use computational tools to solve problems and while doing so apply their knowledge of computer science (CS) to use the tools appropriately and effectively.
Language Scaffolds
Most students are developing language proficiency as they learn subject-matter knowledge. These students, including English learners (ELs), benefit from opportunities to communicate with peers.
Family Engagement
Students’ families and communities are critical support networks in building youth’s positive identity development and confidence.