Engineering Practice: Assess Implications of Solutions

Engineers have a responsibility to evaluate their solutions from multiple perspectives. They need to consider not only how well the product functions but also its social, environmental, and ethical impacts.

“Who Is Harmed?”

In small groups, students discuss the implications of plastic pollution on the inhabitants of Mobile Bay. Watch & Reflect:

Reflection Questions

  1. Students considered personal use, economic impacts such as selling and buying fish, and the logistics of navigating boats through the bay. 
  2. Students considered who caused the problem, including who is killing the fish.   
  1. “Which is more important, that citizens can use the bay to swim or that they can buy cheaper fish?”
  2. “Can you explain your choice of putting [one user] as more impacted than [another user]? Can you think of a reason to reverse that order?”
  3. Have groups come together to compare their rankings and come to a consensus.